
The Reminder: Life Assessments Among Youth at Record Low

The Disheartening Reality: Younger individuals express less contentment compared to older demographics. I  felt a sense of sadness, though not entirely surprised, upon learning that the United States had slipped from the 15th to …

3 Strategies to Support Children With Special Needs

Raising adolescents can be challenging. This phase is marked by fluctuating hormones, diminished logic, and genuine eye-rolling moments. Supporting a teenager with special needs involves catering to their specific requirements in…

2 Things Not to Tell a Struggling Adult Child

You'll worsen your adult child's troubles by being critical. Helping your adult child who is facing challenges requires compassion and clear communication to foster trust and mutual understanding. Words hold immense power…

What to Do When You Can't Rest When the Baby Rests

How to Manage Sleep Issues During Pregnancy and Postpartum. Sleep strategies are an effective way to prevent and address mental health issues without medication. We understand the importance of sleep for overall health and mental…

3 Common Results of Narcissistic Parenting

Dealing with a narcissistic parent can have lasting effects. "I struggle to connect with 'regular' people because my upbringing was influenced by two narcissistic parents. It's hard for me to relate to anyone nor…

Why Does a Challenging Childhood Affect Adult Mental Health?

A recent study dissects genetic and environmental influences. Early in my career, I worked as an intern for a year at a state mental hospital. The individuals I interacted with were grappling with severe mental illnesses, includi…

A Revolutionary Family Planning Solution: The Essure Procedure

A Revolutionary Family Planning Solution: The Essure Procedure The decision of when and how to control the size of your family is deeply personal and often life-altering. For many women, the traditional method of permanent birt…

The Agony of Not Being Understood by Your Parents

The Agony of Feeling Unheard by Your Parents In life, there are moments that shape us, challenging our resilience and testing our spirit. This is the story of my journey—an odyssey mark…

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