The Importance of Life Satisfaction Feeling Over Happiness

Why joy might not be the best indicator of your overall well-being.  The pursuit of happiness has become a widespread goal. Despite knowing that happiness can be elusive, our tendency to prioritize it remains strong. However, the…

What Self-Control Truly Means, and Why It Is Vital

Perhaps it's truly about placing oneself in conducive environments. Every year, nearly half of all Americans begin the year with a resolution to alter something about their lives. People set goals in an attempt to improve and…

The Reminder: Life Assessments Among Youth at Record Low

The Disheartening Reality: Younger individuals express less contentment compared to older demographics. I  felt a sense of sadness, though not entirely surprised, upon learning that the United States had slipped from the 15th to …

3 Strategies to Support Children With Special Needs

Raising adolescents can be challenging. This phase is marked by fluctuating hormones, diminished logic, and genuine eye-rolling moments. Supporting a teenager with special needs involves catering to their specific requirements in…

Exploring Justice Awareness

Being fair-minded can be a strength when effectively utilized. "Jennifer, daily life is tough!" I can still recall the frustrated expression on my teacher's face after I complained about the selection process for a …

10 Ways to Identify a Love Bomber

Here are signs that someone could be love bombing you. Love bombing occurs when someone showers excessive praise and affection at a pace that outweighs the current stage of a relationship, aiming to manipulate the person they’re …

7 Essential Factors to Consider When Dating Someone New

When you're exploring a new relationship, it's crucial to pay attention to certain signs. The initial stages of dating can be thrilling and optimistic. Everything feels fresh and full of potential, and you're eagerly …

Why Spring Sees an Uptick in Divorce Rates

Springtime is synonymous with renewal, but it’s also known for something else: divorce rates tend to peak during this season. Here’s why. While one might assume that Spring, with its associations of fresh starts, would be a time …

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