Every January, my father encourages me to reflect on the past year and create a plan for the year ahead. While he doesn't explicitly ask for a detailed report, at 45, the idea feels a bit like being handed homework. In truth,…
When you hear the term "spinster," what kind of person comes to mind? Now compare that image to what you picture when you hear "bachelor." Chances are, these two mental images are drastically different: a lone…
Decades ago, becoming a parent was almost an expectation. Today, some American politicians are criticizing women who choose not to have children. It’s important to recognize that remaining child-free isn’t unique to American wome…
Exploring the Puella Archetype: A Perspective from Jungian Psychology We often hear the advice: follow your passions and live according to your values. But what if you’ve lost your way? What if life feels meaningless? Examining t…
When it comes to understanding infidelity, the reasons behind men's unfaithfulness have been widely researched. Both scholars and the public are well aware of the possible explanations for why men cheat from psychological, ev…
A few years back, a friend of mine faced challenges with infertility. Amid her depression and disappointment, her mother-in-law offered some unexpected advice: “Parenthood isn’t everything,” the older woman said. “You dedicate ye…
The late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a fierce advocate for women’s rights, was unwavering in her belief that women and men should share equally in raising children. She emphasized that this is crucial for achieving…
For nearly a year, Liam has been struggling with uncertainty about whether to stay in his two-year relationship with Sadie. He’s generally content but feels a nagging sense that there might be someone better out there perhaps wai…
We are at a critical juncture in history, with the unprecedented possibility of electing the first Black woman as President of the United States. If you’ve been following the news, you’ve witnessed the flood of criticism directed…
Viewing your partner through a fixed perspective can hinder intimacy. Among the many ways to undermine closeness in a relationship, few things are as damaging as having a fixed image of your partner. This not only locks them into…
Picture Barbra, a young professional who has battled procrastination for years. She hopes that one day she'll wake up different, ready to tackle her to-do list with newfound efficiency. However, change doesn't happen over…
How parents and social support help the transition in early adulthood. Sup port from real friendships is crucial at any age, but it can be especially impactful when young adults first leave home. This phase, known as "early …