Every January, my father encourages me to reflect on the past year and create a plan for the year ahead. While he doesn't explicitly ask for a detailed report, at 45, the idea feels a bit like being handed homework. In truth,…
Most research on parenthood has traditionally focused on how children benefit from having a father figure. However, more attention is gradually being paid to the value of fatherhood for men themselves. Not only do children benefi…
Developing social skills may be easier and more fun than you think. He lping children build impulse control and social skills can be an enjoyable process. In fact, many families already have the tools to do this, likely tucked aw…
Parents of teens with misophonia may struggle to understand what reasonable accommodations look like and worry that if they over-accommodate, their child may not be prepared for "the real world" outside the home. These …
The far reaching benefits of growing up in a mentally healthy family. Ji m grew up in a chaotic home. His father was frequently away, and his mother, struggling with substance abuse, had little energy to care for him. His parents…
If you were raised by a narcissistic parent, breaking free from the effects of such an upbringing can be life changing. By "narcissistic," I mean individuals who meet the criteria for narcissistic personality disorder o…
Being a parent doesn’t end when your child becomes an adult, but the dynamic certainly shifts. Navigating this new phase can be challenging, especially if your adult child seems to rely on you too much, constantly asking for help…
It’s easy to want to ask your child, “How was your day at school?” as a way to get some insight into how their day went. However, you’re likely to get a brief, one-word answer if you ask the same question day after day. If you’re…
A few years back, a friend of mine faced challenges with infertility. Amid her depression and disappointment, her mother-in-law offered some unexpected advice: “Parenthood isn’t everything,” the older woman said. “You dedicate ye…
Becoming a parent is challenging, and it's a topic that often goes undiscussed. Recently, a young mother and a student at my psychology institute shared her thoughts on the transition to parenthood. She has a 4-month-old baby…
How parents and social support help the transition in early adulthood. Sup port from real friendships is crucial at any age, but it can be especially impactful when young adults first leave home. This phase, known as "early …
Parenting is a challenging task. But what happens when the roles reverse and you find yourself caring for your aging mother or father? While we love our parents, feelings of frustration, anger, guilt, and helplessness can arise, …