Why Children Don't Show "Respect"

Why Children Don't Show "Respect"


As parents, it can be frustrating when our children don't show "respect" in the way that we expect. But it's important to remember that respect is a learned behavior and not something that children are born with. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the reasons why children might not show respect and what we can do as parents to encourage and teach this important value.

Lack of Understanding

One reason why children might not show respect is because they simply don't understand what it means. Children are still learning about the world and how to interact with others, and it can be difficult for them to grasp abstract concepts like respect. It's important to be patient and to explain to our children what respect looks like and why it's important.

Poor Role Models

Another reason why children might not show respect is because they haven't seen it modeled in their own lives. If children don't see adults showing respect to others, they may not understand how to do it themselves. It's crucial for parents and other adults to be mindful of their own behavior and to model respect in all of their interactions with children.

Developmental Stages

It's also important to remember that children are at different developmental stages and may not have the same level of understanding or ability to show respect as older children or adults. It's important to be realistic in our expectations and to adjust our approach based on the child's age and developmental stage.

Lack of Consequences

Sometimes children don't show respect because they haven't experienced any consequences for their behavior. It's important to set clear boundaries and to follow through with consequences when children don't respect those boundaries. This helps children learn that their actions have consequences and helps them understand what is and isn't acceptable behavior.

Lack of Empathy

Respect is often tied to empathy, or the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Children who struggle with empathy may have a harder time showing respect because they don't understand how their actions might affect others. Encouraging children to consider other people's feelings and to think about how their actions might impact others can help them develop empathy and show more respect.

Lack of Communication Skills

Sometimes children don't show respect because they don't know how to effectively communicate their needs and wants. It's important to teach children how to communicate in a respectful way and to model respectful communication in our own interactions with them.


Children who are overstimulated or overwhelmed may have a harder time showing respect because they are not able to regulate their emotions or behavior. It's important to be aware of how much stimulation children are receiving and to provide them with the support and guidance they need to manage their emotions and behaviors.

Unmet Needs

Children who have unmet needs, such as hunger, fatigue, or a lack of attention, may be more prone to exhibiting disrespectful behavior. It's important to attend to children's basic needs and to provide them with the support and guidance they need to manage their emotions and behaviors.


In conclusion, there are many reasons why children might not show respect. It's important for parents to be patient, understanding, and to provide children with the support and guidance they need to learn and practice this important value. By modeling respect in our own behavior and teaching children how to communicate and interact with others in a respectful way, we can help them develop the skills and attitudes they need to show


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