5 Types of Narcissistic Parent Abuse That You May Be Experiencing

5 Types of Narcissistic Parent Abuse That You May Be Experiencing

 Have you ever wondered if you’re being abused by your parents? There are many forms of abuse, and it may be difficult to recognize the many ways in which you’re being taken advantage of by your narcissistic parent. Here, we discuss the five most common types of invisible narcissistic abuse that you could be experiencing without even knowing it, and how to escape this toxic relationship and break the cycle of narcissism with your children.


The #1 Most Common: Emotional

There are five types of narcissistic parent abuse that you may be experiencing. The most common form is emotional abuse, which can be either verbal or non-verbal. Verbal abuse includes name-calling, putting you down, mocking, and belittling you. Non-verbal abuse includes ignoring you or giving the cold shoulder for extended periods. It could also include refusing to give an explanation when asked about something important or pretending not to understand what you're saying. Threats of physical harm are considered emotional abuse as well.


It's worth noting that abusive parents don't always intend to cause their children harm; sometimes they just think they know best and want what's best for them. But in reality, this type of parental behavior will do more harm than good in a child's life because it breaks trust, creates a lack of self-worth and leaves them feeling like they have no voice.


It can also make them feel like they're responsible for their parent's happiness because if there isn't any happiness then it must be their fault. And even if these kids grow up knowing this isn't true, it doesn't stop the fact that there was at one point a time where they thought this was true.


2) The #2 Most Common: Verbal

The #2 most common type of narcissistic parent abuse is verbal. Verbal narcissistic abuse is any form of communication that is used to control, manipulate, and coerce somebody into thinking or doing what the abuser wants. One type is withholding information: refusing to tell your child where you're going when you're leaving the house. Another example includes telling your child they are good for nothing and will never amount to anything in life.


The final way in which a person can be abused by their parents with narcissistic personality disorder is through lack of accountability. We all know how important it is to take responsibility for our actions; unfortunately this doesn't happen with abusers because they constantly blame others for their problems and refuse to take responsibility themselves.


3) The #3 Most Common: Threats

The #3 most common type of narcissist abuse involves threats. There are many ways that narcissistic parents will threaten you, but it all comes down to power and control. For example, they may tell you that they'll withdraw their financial support or kick you out if you don't conform. They may threaten to break up your family by cutting off contact with one or more family members.


4) The #4 Most Common: Humiliation

One type of invisible narcissistic abuse is humiliation. Humiliation can take many forms, such as being blamed for the narcissist's problems or being told that you're too sensitive. The problem with this form of abuse is that it can go on for years and you may never realize what's happening. This makes it especially difficult to heal from. If your narcissistic parent keeps telling you that there's something wrong with you then eventually, even if they don't believe it themselves, you might start to believe them. If a narcissistic parent tells their children There's something wrong with me then the child might start believing there must be something wrong with me too. Another way in which an abuser will use humiliation is by making fun of their children and pointing out things about them that are different than other people. The most common thing I've heard from clients who experienced this was a comment about their weight: I'm fat like my mother or You're stupid because you look like your dad.


5) The #5 Most Common: Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse where the abuser wants to feel in control and will do anything to achieve that. This abusive tactic can make you feel like you are going insane and become so wrapped up in the gaslighter’s games that you start doubting your sanity. It is important to remember that this type of abuse is about power and control, not about love or caring.

The abuser may say something such as You did this! or I never said that! when confronted with evidence contrary to what they have said. Then, when you point out the inconsistencies in their story, they accuse you of playing mind games with them. They might even use false apologies to try and manipulate you into believing that it's all in your head. If you find yourself feeling unsure of what reality is anymore, it could be a sign of gaslighting.

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